Guaranteed maintenance

How can you accurately budget maintenance expense for your newer trucks, tractors and trailers?

When you own your fleet, it’s a wise move to partner with Idealease for maintenance service. Today’s commercial trucks are sophisticated business tools that must be maintained by skilled technicians using the latest tooling and diagnostics.

Traditional service vendors charge for every minute they work on your truck. Idealease provides expert maintenance services and our Guaranteed Maintenance makes it easy to accurately budget your annual maintenance expenses.

Idealease manages your vehicle’s maintenance with industry-leading best practices for optimum vehicle uptime. Our technicians are OEM-trained and can diagnose the most complex issues with today’s highly engineered engines. Our Guaranteed Maintenance program follows OEM vehicle and component best practices that are designed to ensure efficient service and vehicle reliability. We manage all aspects of preventive and scheduled vehicle maintenance including diagnostic analysis, OEM update and repair campaigns, warranty processing and tire management.

Idealease provides Priority Service at more than 430 Idealease locations throughout North America. We can tailor a Guaranteed Maintenance program for you that include other valuable services such as 24/7 Roadside Assistance, Mobile Service, discounted rental rates, and replacement vehicles.

Do the Math! Let Idealease show you the per unit savings we can offer on commercial truck, tractor and trailer maintenance. Talk to Idealease to learn how our Guaranteed Maintenance program will save you money, improve vehicle uptime, and allow you to focus even more attention on serving your customers and growing your business.

Company information

Accounts payable contact


Current vendor references (no older than 2 years & with previously established credit)

Reference #1

Reference #2

Reference #3

I / we authorize an Idealease representative to contact any / all of the above banks and references upon credit approval, I / we agree to abide fully within your payment terms and other billing policies: all invoices are due and payable upon receipt. In the event of default in the payment of any amount due, this account may be placed on C.O.D., and if the account is placed for collection or legal action, I / we agree to pay an additional charge equal to cost of collection, including agency and attorney fees and court cost incurred and permitted by laws governing these transactions.
*All sections must be completed including fax# for references and accounts payable contact info for application to be processed.

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