Austin Idealease

Austin (North)

Austin Idealease

Austin (South)

Idealease of Houston

Houston (West)

Idealease of Houston

Houston (East)

Idealease of Bryan

Bryan / College Station

Santex Idealease

San Antonio

Temple Idealease


Welcome to Idealease

A better alternative to truck ownership

Operating your own fleet is getting more challenging and costly every day. Get industry-leading vehicles that are spec’d for your needs and backed by superior fleet maintenance and fleet services with a full service truck lease from Idealease. As an Idealease dealer, Kyrish Truck Centers has been leasing trucks to companies and individuals in Texas since 1982.

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Our services

What we can do for you

Full service lease

Commercial truck ownership is getting more challenging and costly to manage every day. A Full Service Lease (FSL) from Idealease allows you to pay even more attention to serving your customers and growing your business.

Mobile service

Today every resource and every minute counts! With Idealease Mobile Service you can schedule service when your vehicles are not operating – during off hours or on weekends – at your location.


Idealease can help you handle a short-term peak in your business, or rent replacement vehicles when your trucks are in the shop. We provide truck rental programs to fit your needs for a day, month or longer.

We are optimists who love to work together

Our responsive fleet services will help keep your business running smoothly—allowing you to focus even more attention on serving your customers and growing your business.

KTC Idealease locations

You will never be far from a helping hand

Austin Idealease (North)

16336 N. Interstate 35, Austin, Texas 78728

Austin Idealease (South)

5010 Burleson Road, Austin, Texas 78744

Idealease of Bryan

4050 Hwy 21 East Bryan, Texas 77808

Idealease of Houston (East)

9222 Wallisville Rd Houston, Texas 77013

Idealease of Houston (West)

14201 Hempstead Rd Houston, Texas 77040

RGV Idealease

715 N. Cage Blvd. Pharr, Texas 78577

Santex Idealease

4300 Hwy 90 East San Antonio, Texas 78219

Temple Idealease

6043 N IH-35 Temple, Texas 76501

Contact us

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